Friday, August 31, 2012

Why Cycling? Stuart Simonsen Explains

Stuart Simonsen is a talented investment manager with a keen eye for business practices and a solid sense about what will work, and what will not, when it comes to the world of business and finance. Given this in-depth knowledge, it's likely that he could have succeeded in almost any venture that he put his mind to. When he chose to open a bike and ski shop in Billings, MT, Stuart Simonsen did get a few questions from friends who were wondering if this was really the best idea at this time. These are the reasons he often used in order to explain his choice.

In Billings, MT, Stuart Simonsen says, people appreciate sports and the great outdoors. Where many cities across the United States are focused on restaurants or plays or music festivals, and these are the sorts of topics that tend to dominate at dinner parties and other social events, people in Billings tend to enjoy activities such as running and biking and skiing, and they love to talk with their friends about their latest race times and the gear that they've purchased. In an environment like this, it just makes sense to invest in a business that caters to outdoor sports. These are the sorts of businesses that will thrive in communities that hold several sports enthusiasts.

In addition, Stuart Simonsen simply has a passion for cycling, and he likes the idea of working to promote the sport. He believes that people who cycle can benefit the environment, as they're not dumping carbon into the air or purchasing gasoline that's been extracted from the earth. People who cycle also benefit their health, Stuart Simonsen says, as they're pushing their muscles and encouraging their hearts to work hard to deliver oxygen to starved tissues. By opening a bike shop, Stuart Simonsen hoped to encourage more people to discover the benefits of cycling.